


糖尿病是一个日益严重的全球澳门十大博彩娱乐平台问题. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that over 30 million people are affected by diabetes in the United States.₁ Diabetes can affect many parts of the body, and if left uncontrolled, it may lead to complications. 然而, 糖尿病患者, 以及他们的医疗团队, 家庭, 支持网络, can reduce the risk of complications by maintaining their blood sugar within a healthy range. Blood pressure and lipids (such as cholesterol and triglycerides) may also be monitored frequently by your healthcare provider (HCP).₂

  • 参考文献1. 疾病预防控制中心. 国家糖尿病概况,2017年. 亚特兰大,乔治亚州: 疾病预防控制中心, US Dept 澳门十大博彩娱乐平台 and Human 服务; 2017 2. 美国糖尿病 协会(ADA). 糖尿病的医疗护理标准. 糖尿病杂志2019;42(增刊1):S1-S193


Living with diabetes may seem complicated, but understanding it can help you take control. 注意事项:

  • 吃适量的澳门十大博彩娱乐平台食品
  • 保持活跃
  • 有效管理压力
  • Taking your 药物 (if needed) as prescribed by your health care provider (HCP)
  • 你的血糖读数
  • 根据你的治疗方案拜访你的HCP和医疗团队成员
  • 做所有必要的化验


  • 你一天中不同时间的血糖是多少?
  • 你的血糖控制得如何?
  • What tests do you need to find out if you are developing any complications?


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A blood sugar (or blood glucose) test tells you how much sugar is in your blood at the moment it is tested. One way to find out the amount of sugar in your blood is to get a blood test in a doctor’s office. 另一种方法是亲自测试. 这被称为自我监控或自我测试. 每天有很多因素影响你的血糖水平. 测试你的血糖可以表明你的饮食计划, 药物治疗, and physical activity levels are working to help you manage your diabetes.


血糖测试对每个糖尿病患者都很重要. People living with diabetes can learn how to test their own blood sugar using a blood glucose monitoring system.


When you self-test regularly, you may learn what makes your blood sugar too high or too low. 在你的医疗团队的帮助下, 你可以调整你的饮食计划, 药物, and physical activity levels that will help you better control your diabetes. 当你的血糖保持在正常范围时, 你降低了患心脏疾病的风险, 眼睛, 肾脏, 大脑, 脚, 以及可能由糖尿病引起的神经问题.₃

参考:3. 梅奥诊所.糖尿病中的高血糖症.http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/高血糖/ symptoms-causes / syc - 20373631. 2019年1月访问


Benefits of Using a CONTOUR®NEXT Blood Glucose Monitoring System and CONTOUR®NEXT test strips

证明的准确性₄,₅: Help manage your diabetes and identify out of range blood glucose levels with personalized HI/LO target range and summary of your blood glucose test results.

快速测试时间: Ready to test right out of the box to make daily testing easy with 5-second countdown

二次®抽样: 可以让你在试纸上注入更多的血液, 这可能有助于防止浪费试纸和节省资金.₆


高度准确₄,₅ 测试: High-performance test strips calibrated for use with the CONTOUR®NEXT portfolio of blood glucose meters.

无编码®技术: 快, 高度准确₄,₅ results in seconds with one less step in testing and eliminates errors due to user miscoding.

参考资料:4. 克里斯琴森,M. 等. 一个新的, Wireless-enabled Blood Glucose Monitoring System That Links to a Smart 移动 Device: Accuracy and

用户性能评估. 糖尿病科学与技术杂志. 2017年,卷. 11(3) 567-573. 5 . Bernstein等人. 一个新的 Test Strip Technology Platform for Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose. 中华糖尿病杂志2013; 7(5): 1386-1399. 6. Ascensia糖尿病护理. 存档数据. Second Chance Sampling Research Topline Report (May 2015) A 15-minute online study was conducted among 糖尿病患者. 大厅 & 合作伙伴.


你的试纸到底要花多少钱? 也许太多了.

Buy CONTOUR®NEXT test strips over-the-counter and you may get a better price** compared to your insurance co-pay.

**Patients should check with their insurance company as insurers may offer a lower cost option.

  • 4. 克里斯琴森,M. 等. 一个新的, Wireless-enabled Blood Glucose Monitoring System That Links to a Smart 移动 设备:准确性和用户性能评估. 糖尿病科学与技术杂志. 2017年,卷. 11(3) 567-573. 5: Bernstein等. 一个新的 Test Strip Technology Platform for Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose. 中华糖尿病杂志2013; 7(5): 1386-1399



与您的医疗团队谈谈您的仪表以及如何测试. 始终按照计价器上的指示行驶. An important thing you can do to ensure a good self-test is to properly wash and dry your hands right before the test, 如用户手册中所述. If your hands are not completely clean, this can cause an incorrect blood sugar reading. Before doing the test, wash your hands in warm, soapy water and dry them well. DO NOT use alcohol-based hand sanitizers, gels or wipes in replacement of soap and water.


  • 保持仪表清洁
  • 将测试用品保持在室温下
  • 检查你的测试用品的截止日期. Make sure your meter is correctly coded to the test strips you are using. CONTOUR®NEXT portfolio meters offer No Coding® technology to reduce the steps in the testing process and help you get easy, 高精度结果4,₅
  • Put your hand down to let gravity help the blood flow to your fingertips
  • 用新刺胳针插入割伤装置,将手指的一侧插入
  • 取足够的血滴到试纸上. CONTOUR®NEXT产品组合仪表提供Second-Chance®采样, allowing you to apply more blood onto the same test strip which may help prevent wasted test strips₆
  • 将结果记录在你的日志或智能设备应用程序中

参考资料:4. Christiansen M等. 一个新的, Wireless Blood Glucose Monitoring System That Links to a Smart 移动 设备:准确性和用户性能评估. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2017; 11(3):567-573. 5. Bernstein等人. 一个新的 Test Strip Technology Platform for Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose. 中华糖尿病杂志2013; 7(5): 1386-1399. 6. Ascensia糖尿病护理. 存档数据. Second Chance Sampling Research Topline Report (May 2015) A 15-minute online study was conducted among 糖尿病患者. 大厅 & 合作伙伴.





The entire CONTOUR® NEXT portfolio of meters uses the same 高度准确₄,₅,₇CONTOUR®NEXT试纸条


参考资料:4. 克里斯琴森,M. P. (2017). 一个新的, Wireless-enabled Blood Glucose Monitoring System That Links to a Smart 移动 Device: 准确性和用户性能评估. 糖尿病科学与技术杂志,11(3),567-573.. 5. 伯恩斯坦,R. 等. (2013). A New Test Strip Technology Platform for Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose. 糖尿病科学与技术杂志,7(5),1386-1399. 7. 贝利,J. 等. (2015). Contour®Next Link的精度和用户性能评估.4 .血糖监测系统. 我们共同 化学学报,448(2015),139-145




The 美国糖尿病协会(ADA) recommends nutrition therapy for all people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Consult with your healthcare team to find a Registered Dietician Nutritionist (RDN - an expert in nutrition) or other qualified HCP, 谁可以根据你的个人需求定制你的饮食计划. Within the first 6 months of your diabetes diagnosis, you should meet with your RDN 3 to 4 times. 不要犹豫,请别人帮你制定饮食计划. Many health insurance plans cover nutrition and diabetes education sessions.₈

Click here to access a Know Your™ Nutrition guide with tips for healthy nutrition, 学会计算碳水化合物, 和更多的.

参考:8. 李建军,李建军,李建军,李建军. 协调一致的国家 Model for Diabetes Prevention Linking 澳门十大博彩娱乐平台 Systems to an Evidence-Based Community 程序. 中华预防医学杂志,2013;44(4):S301-S306.



运动是糖尿病管理计划的重要组成部分. 有规律的运动已被证明可以改善血糖控制, 降低心血管风险因素(血压和胆固醇), 有助于减肥, 提高幸福感(减轻压力,提高能量水平).₉ Always talk with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise program.

单击此处访问“了解您的™澳门十大博彩娱乐平台步骤”指南 有计算你每天步数的提示, 制定一个计划来实现你的目标步骤, 在你的脚步-随时, 在任何地方.

参考:9. 美国糖尿病协会(ADA). 糖尿病的医疗护理标准. 糖尿病杂志2019;42(增刊1):S1-S193.